Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Quote of the Day

The following quote from a NYTimes article is one more reason to move to Korea.

Na Deuk-won, who owns a school in Seoul that trains back-scrubbers and bathhouse masseuses, says enrollment has jumped 50 percent this year, to 180 students, because of a sudden influx of university graduates and laid-off office workers.

“Even in a recession, people need their back scrubbed,” Mr. Na said.

That's exactly right. Even in a recession, people need their back scrubbed.

Police Sketch

I've always wondered how accurate those police artist sketches are. The recent manhunt and eventual capture of a serial killer in South Carolina allowed me to do a nice before and after comparison of the sketch artist's rendition and the actual person. I'm glad they didn't have to rely on the sketch artist to catch this guy. I'm just glad they got him before we take our trip to Charleston next week.