Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Blog

I've decided to take a shot at blogging. Those who know me know that I usually have something to say. What a better place to say it than a blog. My hope is that this will not dominate all of my time. Because of the limited number of Scott Jensen's in the world, I was able to get first dibs on the prime url "scott-jensen.blogspot.com" My plan is to get things out on this blog so you don't have to listen to it firsthand.

I've been reading the autobiography of Gandhi. I realized that everything I know about the man comes from the movie made years ago. Although my feeling is that the film is mostly true to life, no film and no book for that matter can tell the story of a man like Gandhi. It is nice to get Gandhi in Gandhi's own words. His dedication to self-restraint incredible. His philosophy seems to be, "If it's pleasurable, cut it out." I'm guessing I have read up until his mid 40's. Up to this point he has become committed to celibacy and eliminated all spices or strong flavored foods from his diet. I do not feel that these actions helped Gandhi in any way per se, but it seems clear that his self-control in these areas translated into self-control in other aspects of life.

There is some sort of power in restraining oneself, even when that restraint seems pointless. My concern would be when that self-restraint becomes dangerous. As Gandhi has recounted his refusal to take certain medicines or certain medical treatments, I have wondered how much I agree with his convictions. I especially questioned his judgment when he withheld potentially lifesaving treatments from his deathly ill son because they went against his dietary code. It seemed like those stories of Jehovah's Witnesses refusing blood transfusions for themselves or their children. Gandhi would argue that we are all going to die, and what a better way to die then by following one's beliefs. Further, Gandhi has continually been an example of the power that one can claim by taking the moral high ground. His insistence on following what he believes to be the will of God consistently allows him to petition for divine assistance.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Scott! What a great idea. I will look forward to reading your book analyses on your blog. Also, we should tell Cabe about the Gandhi Autobiography. I know he would love it.
