Thursday, June 4, 2009

Very funny . . . errr . . . spiritual site

Not to make fun, but this site popped up in my gmail account as one of those customized ads they do. This is my kind of business. All you have to do is computer generate a few Book of Mormon prophets in action, transpose a pertinent scripture, and then wait for the orders to start pouring in. You don't even have to spend anything until you get an order, and then you just take it your thumb drive to the local OfficeMax and have them print your poster. Send it off to the happy customer and you're $10 richer minus your OfficeMax fee. After awhile you invest in a nice color printer and you're set. Why didn't I think of this. My favorite is Samual the Laminite. He looks like he's in the middle of a video game. Actually, maybe this started out as a video game and then the guy decided to scrap it and just sell pictures of the characters. I just know that now someone is going to buy me the set of twelve as a joke.

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